On January 14, 1776 the Maryland self-styled 'Council of Safety' authorised the raising of seven independent companies of State Troops. Recruiting began immediately and continued till March. These companies were to be raised in the eastern counties of the colony. The 4th company was recruited in Talbot County, and the command was given to James Hindman, who had received his commission as a captain from the elected 'Convention of Maryland' on January 5.

These independent companies had an establishment of 100 men, with a fifer and drummer. Most companies adopted linen hunting shirts, dyed a distinctive colour as a simple method of establishing uniformity. The colours adopted by the 4th Company are mentioned in two deserter descriptions in the Pennsylvania Packet for August 14, 1776. The first lists 'Purple hunting shirt with red cuffs and cape, buckskin breeches' while the second lists 'Purple hunting shirt with red cuffs and cape, brown coat, swanskin jacket, leather breeches'.

By August 1776 the seven independent companies had been reorganised into the 2nd Maryland Regiment which continued in service throughout the American War of Independence being officially disbanded on November 15, 1783.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

2nd VIRGINIA in the USA

Found this photo on an American reenactment group's site. It is ment to represent the early uniform adopted by the Virginia Continentals. The writer believes they may have adopted a shortened rifle smock. Our group has chosen to use an over-shirt, similar to the linen farming smocks used in England and possibly the colonies.

Their adoption of narrow brimmed round hats and waistbelt cartouch boxes is well documented.

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